Above; Zip Bates Slaughter & the Dogs, Terry Lean Fast Breeder The Grapes LiverpoolMathew Street, the Grapes, the Cavern, Probe records and Eric's, this area of Liverpool has a tremendous musical history. There is a booth in The Grapes pub where the Beatles used to sit and drink in the 60's. The original fabric and wallpaper is still intact. Ten years later, Wayne County, 999, Mike Peters, Slaughter and the Dogs, Pete Wylie, Ian McCulloch and other musicians would ponder their future from this location. Like Bourbon St. is for Jazz, some locals believe that Mathew St, should be recognized as a spiritual location for British Rock. Others, think there is some mystical energy in the center of the street that inspires musical talent.
It is August 22nd 1977, and the commentary in Bombsite issue 2, [clip below] describes an encounter with the writers and Manchester punk bands Slaughter+TD's and Fast Breeder, at the Grapes before their show.

The Bombsite writers did some of their best interviews in that pub. Drinking a beer together with the Eric's locals and visiting bands, the place resonated fabulous energy. Mike Peters would stop by. Pete Wylie would join us, we liked him, he liked us, no one was famous here, not even the bands, we were all kids, and believed that egos were for old men. That is why it all worked, it was a laugh. There was us, and there was the rest of the world, and if it did not work, then, we would try something different.
Fast Breeder's young manager Alan Erasmus walked into the bar looking for Terry the guitarist. He was missing at the sound check and the band warm up. Later that night at the club we spoke with Alan about the whole Manchester verses Liverpool music scene. The North was becoming a hotbed of new talent, but record companies and the media had not realized any potential. They were slow to accommodate Northern bands.
Alan, was unemployed and looking for something to do. He had started his career as an actor, appearing in Coronation Street, and a TV Movie named Hard Labour. Within a few months of this encounter, Alan Erasmus would develop Fast Breeder into the Durratti Column, and start a life long friendship, and business partnership with Tony Wilson.
Above; Phil Fast Breeder Eric's Liverpool 1977During 1977 Fast Breeder played alongside Warsaw [later Joy Division] at Manchester bar Rafters, the event was unorganized and Fast Breeder decided perform first, they finish their set until after midnight. Warsaw had to take to the stage before a near-empty bar at 1:30am. This sent Warsaw vocalist Ian Curtis into a frenzy. He dived off the stage, smashed bottles, and threatened to slice up the remaining clientele. Promoter Rob Gretton was fascinated by Ian's energy and his reaction and worked to become Warsaw's manager.
On May 19th 1978 Tony Wilson and Alan Erasmus opened the Factory. The Factory would run on Friday nights at Russel's night club in Hulme, to promote local talent. Soon, the two were joined by others, including graphic artist Peter Saville and Joy Division manager Rob Gretton. By the end of 1978 the collective enterprise had formed Factory Records in Didsbury. By 1982 the entourage had opened the Hacienda nightclub. One of the most famous dance clubs in the world to assist them with their continuous search for musical talent.
The movie 24 hour Party People tells the "Factory Hacienda" story, and details the complexities of allowing bands greater artistic freedom. The 2007 Joy Division movie "Control" expands on Factory records colorful adventures.
These men were punks in suits, and they understood how to break down bureaucratic walls. Although plagued with resistance and legal problems, their relentless spirit forged a model that would benefit the advancement of modern British music.